System Requirements

Ensure your system meets minimum requirements to run Mumara Campaigns

To ensure optimal performance and usability, it’s essential to ensure that your system meets the following minimum requirements:

Operating System:

Mumara Campaigns can be installed on Windows, Linux, or macOS operating systems running a web server, but we recommend Linux-based 64-bit operating systems for optimal performance.

Web Server:

  • A web server (suggested: apache) that supports PHP version 8.1 or later.

  • Cron Support

PHP Database Extension:

  • PDO

PHP Extensions:

  • Curl

  • GD2

  • JSON

  • XML

  • Iconv

  • MBString

  • OpenSSL

  • Fileinfo

  • IMAP

  • Tokenizer

  • Ctype

  • SSH2

  • Domdocument

  • Zip

PHP Required Functions/Configuration

  • allow_url_fopen

  • url_include

  • exec

  • shell_exec

  • memory_limit (minimum 1024M)

ionCube Loader:

12.0.1 or later


MySQL database version 5.7 or later. Other databases MariaDB, etc., are also supported.

Memory (RAM):

A minimum of 2GB of RAM to run it smoothly. Additional memory may be required if you have an extensive email list or use advanced features such as automation.

Disk Space:

However, Mumara Campaigns requires a minimum of 1GB of disk space for installation and database storage. Additional disk space may be required to store large contact lists and other media files.


A stable internet connection with sufficient bandwidth to send and receive email messages.

Note: It’s important to note that the above requirements are minimum and may vary depending on the size of your email list, the number of emails you’re sending, and the complexity of your campaigns. We recommend that you consult with your IT team or hosting provider to ensure that your system meets these requirements and that your server is configured correctly for optimal performance and security.

In summary, Mumara Campaigns requires a minimum of PHP version 7.2, MySQL version 5.7, 2GB of RAM, a stable internet connection, and sufficient disk space. By ensuring that your system meets these minimum requirements, you can help ensure that Mumara Campaigns runs smoothly and that you can take full advantage of its powerful email marketing automation features.

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